Ten Years Strong

Performance Insulation + Energy Services is 10
It’s hard to believe that we opened for business 10 years ago. Especially when you consider all that we’ve accomplished. We have grown our team, upgraded to bigger locations (multiple times), and become a leading provider of insulation in the Pacific Northwest. But there are also things that haven’t changed. We are still the same family business as committed as ever to our customers by delivering quality insulation products and exceptional services every time.
We are especially grateful for the people we’ve worked with, alongside, and for over the past decade. From those who have been with us since the beginning to those who have contributed along the way, they have made the journey special. Thank you to all our current and past employees, partners and customers!
Together, we have accomplished so much…
24,000 Homes Insulated
Since 2013, we have worked for homebuilders to improve the comfort, efficiency, durability and overall performance of over 24 thousand homes. Families in those homes have benefitted from lower energy bills, the longevity of less-strained appliances, and the overall comfort that comes with proper insulation. That’s awesome to think about.
12,000 Homes Energy Tested
In our first decade, our team of home energy specialists tested and certified more than 12 thousand homes grading them with Energy Trust of Oregon EPS™ scores. We ensured home performance and efficiency above code, saving future homeowners a lot in the long run. In fact, adding up the savings, these families spent $22 million less on their energy bills than they would have had their homes simply been built to code.
$26 Million in Utility Incentives
An important part of partnering with builders (and homeowners) to improve energy efficiency, is ensuring they get maximum benefit from utility incentive programs. We’re proud to say that we’ve helped builders access more than $26 million in incentives to make more efficient, comfortable, and durable homes.
We’ve Done Big Time Good for the Environment
With high-quality insulation services, it’s not just the builders and homeowners that win, but our planet too. Efficient homes produce less pollution. Specifically, our work thus far has kept 110,000 metric tons of CO2 from polluting the environment. To better understand that number, we’ve reduced greenhouse gas by the same amount as removing 24,000 cars from the road for a year.
5,000 Customers
You don’t reach these types of numbers alone. We are blessed to have 5 thousand customers to thank, some that have been with us since we first opened in 2013. Old friends or newer ones, the people we work for are one of the best parts of being in business.
154 Employees and Growing
Likewise, we love our people. It’s amazing to realize that more than half of those who were on the original team are still here 10 years later. We’re thankful for them, those that have come and gone, and all who wear the Performance Insulation + Energy Services badge today. Each one has contributed to making us all we are today.
Have insulation or energy services needs? To work with us in our second decade, call 503-479-5290 or request service online.