AeroBarrier Air Sealing

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The Best Way to Meet Code Requirements
Performance Insulation has partnered with AeroBarrier to provide Portland-area builders with the most precise and efficient way to air seal homes. As one of only a few local companies with this capability, we are excited to deliver this cutting-edge, computer-controlled process that so effectively seals a home to the desired specifications. AeroBarrier’s air sealing technology is a great solution for both single & multi-family homes.
Why AeroBarrier Air Sealing?
Air sealing is vital to an efficient, durable, and healthy home. By preventing air leakage through cracks, gaps, and openings homeowners have more control over their living environment. AeroBarrier, a computer-controlled, air sealing technology is transforming the way builders seal the home by simplifying the process, removing the guesswork and guaranteeing the results in one application. Through a unique approach to air sealing, AeroBarrier simultaneously measures and seals building envelope leaks, allowing builders to dial-in the precise level of leakage and performance quickly and easily. AeroBarrier’s award-winning, computer-controlled, air sealing technology is the easiest way to meet Oregon and Washington (air leakage) code requirements.
AeroBarrier’s proprietary process creates an atomized sealant that is applied while the home is pressurized, creating an environment where sealant particles find and seal gaps, cracks, and opening as small as a human hair. Unlike traditional air sealing techniques, AeroBarrier finds and seals only areas where air leakage occurs, identifying and sealing gaps and cracks both visible and hidden throughout the structure. This approach removes all guess work while reducing time spent sealing and eliminating wasted traditional sealing materials. The process includes a final test and report that documents both pre- and post-application leakage data as proof of the positive outcome. The result of a Performance Insulation AeroBarrier application is simple: a more consistently sealed home where even the smallest openings are addressed, resulting in a better seal, no rework, and guaranteed results.
When Should I Use AeroBarrier Air Sealing?
Performance Insulation’s AeroBarrier air sealing service is an excellent choice to ensure the desired level of sealing quickly and efficiently. When applied at rough-in or after the first coat of drywall, minimal prep is required. Plus, cleanup is so easy that work can typically resume in just 30 minutes.
The AeroBarrier solution can save the day with problem rooms. When testing reveals the necessary ACH (air changes per hour) has not been achieved, this award-winning solution with guaranteed results solves the issue. By computer tracking air sealing in real time, Performance Insulation’s installers use the technology to target leakage areas, including those unseen by the human eye, right up until the proper seal is achieved. It’s the easiest and most precise way to meet Oregon and Washington code requirements.
The Benefits of a Properly Air Sealed Building
Air sealing is vital to an efficient, durable, and healthy home. By preventing air leakage through cracks, gaps, and openings homeowners have more control over their living environment. Benefits include:
- Improve indoor air quality Help keep out pollutants and allergens to create a healthier indoor environment.
- See immediate savings on heating and cooling by reducing air leaking to the outside.
- Enjoy a more comfortable home.
- Help prevent moisture from entering the wall system.
- Seal gaps and holes to create the first line of defense against critters and pest.
- Hear up to 40% less outside noise from traffic and neighbors.