How to Choose Air Filtration Products for Better Indoor Air Quality

There’s a reason we say, “It’s like a breath of fresh air!” The air we breathe is life-giving, and although we all take it for granted, we recognize how it meets a fundamental need. Unfortunately, much of our indoor air can contain allergens and other particles that can make us uncomfortable or, in some cases, even sick. Combine that with the fact that Americans spend most of their time indoors, and you may have a difficult situation.
The heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) professionals at HomeRx and Performance Insulation Energy Services want to help you understand the issues around indoor air quality and provide options to help you and your family breathe cleaner air.
Common Indoor Air Pollutants
When we live life, we create many indoor air pollutants. Every member of your family sheds hair and skin every day. All clothing, paper, furniture and other household items add to the mix of tiny particles in our air. Many families have household pets, which may shed hair and pet dander, and habits such as smoking or even cooking add more particles to the air. Pollen from outdoors, viruses and bacteria, and mold and fungi growth are additional possible contaminants.
Although many of these particles many not cause major issues, those who suffer from allergies or asthma may experience greater respiratory distress when exposed. Dangerous chemicals from household cleaners, debris from renovation projects, even poisonous gases such as carbon monoxide and radon can pollute your Bend home.
Air Filtration Options
Fortunately, homeowners in Oregon have a wide variety of options to help improve their indoor air quality. Air cleaners, scrubbers, and purifiers are available to help you filter and cleanse your home’s air on a regular basis. Here are some popular options:
Air Filters. A wide variety of air filters are available on the market today. Although the lowest-end ones are really designed to only protect your heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment, many other types of HEPA filters can improve indoor air significantly. For example, the Trane CleanEffects air filter filters your home’s air five to seven times a day and can remove 99.98 percent of particles. Some filters combine carbon technology to help control odors as well.
Air Scrubbers. Air Scrubber by Aerus is an advanced technology that deals with odors and dust as well as eliminating harmful contaminants in the air and on surfaces.
Air Purifiers. A wide range of purification systems can address particular indoor air quality issues. For instance, ultraviolet technology can battle viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens. Carbon filters help remove odors, and HEPA filters handle a wide variety of particles.
Making the Right Decision
For some homeowners who may not be in their homes very often, a well-maintained HVAC system may handle typical air quality issues. However, others may want to take special care to address particular indoor air quality needs. For example, a home that struggles with humidity might want to invest in a dehumidifier that attaches to a main HVAC system.
If you or your family are one of the 50 million Americans who suffer from allergies each year, you may want to invest in a HEPA filter as well as an air purification or air scrubber system. And if you are caring for an elderly relative, you may want an air purifier that incorporates ultraviolet technology to battle viruses and bacteria. Many UV purifiers are modeled after systems used in health care facilities or hospitals.
Trust Us to Have IAQ Solutions
Call our team at HomeRx and Performance Insulation Energy Services in Bend, OR, to find out more about these filtration technologies or other HVAC services to address indoor air issues. We would be happy to come out and evaluate your home heating and cooling systems as well as answer your questions. Call at (541) 716-0056 or contact us online.